Making Reversal of Hormonal Imbalance Easy

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Making Reversal of Hormonal Imbalance Easy

Is it normal to have cystic acne and facial hair on your face when you are too young? 

Are you facing a severe hair fall from your crown area? 

Do you have irregular periods? 

Are you having painful periods? 

Are you upset, without any reason? 

Do you feel drained of energy the entire day? 

If your answers to these questions are yes, then my dear friend it is a big Yes! That you are suffering from Hormonal Imbalance or Oestrogen Dominance.  

Hormones - oestrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and pregnenolone, are crucial chemical messengers that have an impact on a variety of elements of your overall health. Because of this, hormonal imbalances can be harmful, therefore it's important to understand how to maintain hormonal balance.[1]  

Understanding Hormonal Imbalance 

Hormonal imbalance is the increase or decrease of mentioned 4 hormones in our body. The tiny change in their levels can lead to major or multiple symptoms.

Out of the major 4 hormones, oestrogen plays a significant role in causing hormonal imbalance. Increase of oestrogen hormone in our body leads to a major hormonal condition called Oestrogen dominance, leading to diseases like endometriosis, PCOS, PCOD, Infertility, fibroids, breast and uterine cancers. 

Functions of Oestrogen Hormone in Our Body

  • Oestrogen is responsible for developing the major female characteristics such as breast development, pubic hair, armpit hair and body hair.[2]
  • It also controls the vaginal secretions in females. Therefore, when the oestrogen decreases during menopause, females face vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. 
  • Oestrogen regulates the period cycle hence, oestrogen dominance means irregular, heavy and painful periods. 
  • Apart from the reproductive and menstrual systems, it also affects heart health and musculoskeletal systems by deciding the metabolism of HDL and LDL cholesterol.[3]
  • Oestrogen also controls the appetite, hunger, insulin and bone density of a person. 

How can you tell whether you have hormonal imbalance or oestrogen dominance? 

Oestrogen Dominance symptoms vary with gender. Both males and females face different symptoms from one and another.  

Hormonal Imbalance in females:

  • Abdominal cramps before and during periods
  • Increase in facial hair, especially in the chin area.
  • Occurrence of cystic acne and excessive hair fall.
  • Having Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms such as mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression.[4]
  • Formation of breast nodules such as fibroadenomas (benign fibrous growths), lipomas (benign fatty growths), cysts or overgrowth of ducts.
  • Poor digestion, by causing bloating, constipation, gastric issues, etc. 
  • Changing body shape to pear body i.e. heavy from hip and thigh region. 
  • Reduction in sex drive or low libido.[5]  

If Ignored, it can result in Infertility in females which eventually leads the couples to IVF techniques. 

Hormonal Imbalance in males:

  • Enlargement of the breast, known as Gynaecomastia, causes men’s breasts to swell or become larger than normal.[6]
  • Symptoms of sexual dysfunctionality such as trouble getting an erection, trouble keeping an erection, reduced sexual desire.[7]
  • Issues with sexual function or infertility, such as problems ejaculating or ejaculating little amounts of fluid, decreased sexual desire and pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area.  

What is the root of your Hormonal Imbalance?

  • Exposure to oestrogen hormone in mother’s womb - If the pregnant mother is having oestrogen dominance or, she is exposed to or in direct contact with high oestrogen products, then it is going to affect her foetus. 
  • Consumption of birth control pills - Birth control pills are the simplest way for the women to opt after unsafe sex, leading to increase in progesterone hormone in their body. Knowingly or unknowingly, disturbing their hormones and inviting hormonal imbalance. 
  • Exposure to chemicals such as makeup and deodorants -  The makeup and deodorant that we use to increase our beauty temporarily has nothing, but endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) which targets your oestrogen receptors in the body that makes females prone to have oestrogen dominance diseases or symptoms. Fortunately, I have a solution to this. Keep reading to know the DIY makeup or deodorant recipe.
    • Consumption of tap water - The Environmental Working Group (EWG) states that our tap water contains 45 hormone disrupting chemicals which have a direct effect in disturbing our hormone levels. 

    Is there anything we can do about it? Yes, definitely you can use triple filters to protect ourselves from these. Apart from this, you should add ozone generators to increase the oxygen level of your water, leading to glowing skin and enhanced blood circulation. 

    • Slow or weak Digestion - How many times do you poop? Majority of the people believe that one should only go once in the morning. But according to me, one should go 2-3 times a day to excrete its toxins and especially the bad oestrogen from the body. Low poop cycle can be due to less fibre and decrease of good bacterias in our body. 

    For this one should add more vegetables, flaxseeds, and my probiotics and prebiotics  fibre supplement in their daily routine.

    • Toxic Liver or Reduction in Liver functioning- Liver being the largest gland in our body, has a lot of functions to perform. It is responsible to metabolise our oestrogen hormone, therefore its toxicity can lead to the accumulation of bad oestrogen in the body. Hence, detoxification of the liver is the first step in reversing our oestrogen dominance. The two major ingredients to get us the desired results are milk thistle and N- acetylcysteine amino acid, which is present in my Liver detox Taking it daily will help in reversing the oestrogen dominance conditions. 

      Dietary Tips for Hormonal Imbalance:

      • Maintaining the Protein intake- Western cultures have a tradition of having high amounts of proteins in their diet, harming their kidneys. Whereas, we Indians have a high carbs and low protein diet, making us the capital of diabetes and hormonal imbalance, especially for my vegetarian friends. Therefore, one should always choose a good protein shake like ShapeMe Up Protein Shake for a good lifestyle.
        • Adding Herbs and Spices- There is a bible saying which goes, “Behold, have given you disease and also the cure of disease, its herbs and spices.” We as Indians are privileged for having a rich history of using herbs and spices for treatment. Therefore, I have a recipe for herbal tea, which has tulsi, ashwagandha sticks to balance stress level, 1-3 dry hibiscus petals, mint leaves for freshness and coriander seeds. Consume this twice in a day for good results. 
        • Replacing Carbs with healthy fats- Women body’s steroid hormones are secreted by fats. Therefore, it is important to add good fats in the diet. Coconut oil and MCT oil are the best to opt for. MCT oil helps to decrease your cravings and balances your hormones. In India, it is quite hard to get pure MCT oil as it has caprylic acid (C8), which is quite expensive. Fortunately, I have one with the name of COCO D3 which has vitamin D and MCT oil in it, that too at a reasonable.  
          • Examine Vitamins and Minerals- If you have hormonal imbalance you need approximately 9-10 bowls of vegetables a day to fulfil a body’s requirement. But, because we all know that it is next to impossible, due to our schedule and polluted vegetables. Therefore, it is advised to choose a good multivitamin supplement. I have  which is enriched with antioxidants and omega 3. 
            • Adding DIMDiindolylmethane or DIM is created when you digest cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels and cauliflower, etc. The bodily requirement for a female having hormonal imbalance is approximately 100mg/day. This means, you need to consume 1 kg of Broccoli or cabbage in a day. This is practically not possible, as it will disrupt your thyroid gland and hormones. Fortunately, you don’t have to disrupt them, as I am here to help you with this as well. The Estrogen Balance that I have has exact 100mg of DIM in it, that too without interfering with your thyroid hormones

              Include Exercise and Yoga:      

              As per the Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, women who do High Intensity Workout for 6 weeks consistently, promote metabolism which will lead to weight reduction and balancing the hormones. As you all know, I am here to help you in this as well. I have videos and I come live to do that with you. If you missed my live show, don’t worry, you can still join me on YouTube channel and get relief from all your hormonal issues.  

              And if you are a beginner, then we can do a yoga session, to get our results. Come, join me now, on As yoga energises your day and heals many problems, one of them is Irregular Periods. 

              The DIY for sunscreen and deodorant  

              We are very particular about our external beauty and body odour that we have started applying a lot of chemicals to our skin. Both makeup and deodorants are used daily by each one of us knowing that it is increasing the oestrogen in our body. 

              This is the reason, I have bought you 2 DIY sunscreen and deodorant to use it regret free

              Sunscreen - To make this natural and organic sunscreen you need 2 tbsp of Beeswax, ¾ cup of coconut oil, 1 tbsp of MCT oil and ½ cup nano zinc oxide. Heat beeswax and coconut oil . Do Not boil. When you see them melted, add MCT oil and nano zinc oxide into it thoroughly. You can also add 7-8 drops of vitamin E oil for amazing results. Your sunscreen is ready to apply after cooling. Store in a glass jar for later use.   

              Deodorant - The organic and natural deodorant that I use contains 4 tbsp of coconut oil, 6 tbsp Arrowroot powder and 12 tsp of your favourite essential oil. Heat coconut oil and then add arrowroot and your favourite essential oil to it. Always store it in a glass jar for a longer fragrance. 

               Final Thoughts:

              • Hormonal Imbalance as we know is a lifestyle disorder affecting millions of people.
              • Major symptoms involve irregular periods, period clots, weight gain with a pear shaped body, heavy bleeding, mood swings, hair fall, low energy levels, etc.
              • The major causes of hormonal imbalance are the consumption of birth control pills and cosmetics. To help you with that, I have shared my DIY sunscreen and deodorant with you. 
                • Lifestyle means balancing your dietary changes, exercises and supplements which will help you in reversing your hormonal imbalance in 6 months.
                • Start with high proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals and DIM to your diet, with exercise.
                • Following all the mentioned tips, DIYs and guidance will help you get good news, by improving your fertility










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