Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut
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  • constipation
  • Gut Health
  • Leaky Gut
  • Leaky Gut syndrome
  • Stomach Ulcers

Leaky Gut

Avoiding favorite foods can be bothersome, right? How much time will you spend seeking extra aid for food allergies? 

Now say no to Heartburn - Indigestion - Acid Reflux with the best leaky gut supplement and a permanent solution to an affected intestinal stomach lining. 

Miduty offers the best replacement for over-the-counter medications with a powerful blend of L-glutamine, DGL Extract (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), Slippery Elm Bark Powder, Organic Marshmallow Root Powder, Aloe vera extract, and Zinc.

Miduty’s Leaky gut supplement will aid in the bonding of the small intestine's holes so that you can eat anything for the rest of your life. 

Price after getting the subscription*
- +


All health issues begin in the gut. There are both healthy and dangerous bacteria in the digestive system. You'll feel fantastic when your gut flora is in balance and the good bacteria are in charge: you'll have tons of energy, lose weight quickly, have clearer mental focus, and so on. 

You could, however, develop a leaky gut if the bad bacteria gain control—due to stress, a poor diet, environmental toxins like mold or pesticides, as well as a number of other factors.

Leaky gut is a condition in which the lining of your digestive tract becomes damaged, allowing germs and food particles to escape into your bloodstream.    

Bad digestion can lead to a number of problems that impair your body's normal functioning, including immunological problems, weight gain, and ongoing weariness. The good news is that you can eliminate the source of your problems and solve a leaky gut with Miduty’s Leaky Gut supplement.      

Modern diets and lifestyles negatively contribute to overall health by damaging the digestive system. Toxins may enter your circulation if your gut barrier is compromised and one can experience multiple symptoms.

Miduty's Leaky Gut supplement is an effective combination of L-glutamine, DGL Extract (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), Slippery Elm Bark Powder, Organic Marshmallow Root Powder, Aloe vera extract, and Zinc.

L-Glutamine Powder improves the integrity of the intestinal lining and the expression of tight junction proteins. Additionally, Zinc helps alleviate diarrhea by reducing the amount of fluid that is secreted into the intestine.

That is the reason that we have introduced Leaky Gut, which will gradually mend your intestine and allow you to absorb everything so that you can eat anything for the rest of your life.

How do I take them?
  • Dosage-

    Every day, take 1 scoop of 10 g with 250 ml of water.

  • Quick info-

    This is the finest option for people with stomach ulcers.

  • Quick info-

    Additionally, it can be consumed when combined with Probiotics & Prebiotic Fiber.

What’s it for?
- Improves Gastrointestinal Lining
- Helps against Bloating
- People with Acid Reflux
- People with Food Allergies
- People with SIBO
- People with stomach ulcers
Why is Miduty’s Leaky Gut Superior?
    • Miduty’s Leaky Gut formula is the best solution for indigestion or gut-related issues as it is a powerful blend of L-glutamine,  slippery elm bark powder, aloe vera extract [1], and licorice root. L-Glutamine Powder has a positive impact on sustaining the balance of the good bacteria (gut microbiome) in the intestine. [2]

    • Leaky Gut is 100% vegetarian and natural at the same time because it is made from organic plants like Slippery Erm Bark and Aloe Vera extract. 

    • Miduty's leaky gut formula which is nowhere available on the market helps to actually heal our stomach from within. 

    • For indigestion or issues related to the gut, we are either given a probiotic pill or antacids but we never get the thing that can heal our stomach, and intestines naturally.

    • Additionally. Zinc has been added to this formulation which suppresses colitis. [3]

    • It contains an extract of deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) that boosts mucus production. This can help to prevent the esophagus lining and stomach. [4]

How We Helped Our Customers

Nitya’s son fixed his IBS, Acidity and Indigestion.
Miduty's Leaky Gut for a Healthy Gut

What’s Inside? (Ingredients)

Customer Reviews

Based on 110 reviews

I can enjoy my favorite foods again without worrying about heartburn. Highly recommended!


Dealing with food allergies was a daily struggle until I found Miduty's Leaky Gut formula. MUCH RELAXED!!!!


Miduty's Leaky Gut supplement has been a game-changer for my acid reflux. DOING WONDERS !!!


It's like a shield for my gut, and now I can eat with confidence & WITHOUT THINKING MUCH ABOUT DIGESTION.


Indigestion used to ruin my meals, but with Miduty's supplement, I'm experiencing relief and enjoying food again.


Will it help in digestion?

Yes, and will also help make better absorption of the other supplement.

We are already taking Betaine HCL, and Probiotics & Prebiotic Fiber. Do we still need to take a leaky gut powder?

Yes, this may help reverse the leaky gut by enhancing the production of tight junction proteins that defend against intestinal permeability.

Detected with an autoimmune condition. Is this one of the leaky gut symptoms?

Yes, autoimmune disease is virtually invariably linked to leaky gut syndrome. Repairing the lining of the digestive tract is an autoimmune disease symptom. Any additional treatment is only for symptom suppression.

Are Palak Notes and Miduty same brands?

Yes, the brand's Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.

Unknown Facts

A leaky gut can continue to have so many deficiencies in the body. Those common nutrient deficiencies are one reason for most lifestyle disorders including Hypothyroid and weight loss.

  • How does a leaky gut affect you?

    A "leaky gut" is a condition in which the gut lining is compromised and no longer serves as an effective barrier. The tiny holes enlarge as time passes, allowing dangerous elements like gluten, unhealthy germs, and undigested food particles to enter your body and seriously impact your health.

  • Leaky gut and deficiencies

    Numerous other bodily processes are directly related to gut health. A wide range of health issues can result from improper vitamin and nutrient absorption from your diet. Additionally, your immune system's performance may be hampered, and additional functions may fail as a result of the body's inflammatory reactions to foreign particles.

  • Thyroid-related issues

    Hashimoto's disease is one of the autoimmune conditions that leaky gut syndrome may specifically influence. This condition also referred to as "chronic thyroiditis," manifests as hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), poor metabolism, fatigue, depressive symptoms, weight gain, and a variety of other issues.

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New Era! Continued Dedication!

Pain that went untreated gave rise to the brand Palak Notes. Pre-COVID, we began to evolve, and over the past three years (and counting), we have dedicated our entire self to learning about the pain and health issues that society suffers. We had a modest beginning, but today we have a large family. 

So, in order to adapt to these changes over time, we have decided to create a new brand identity that reflects our team and potential customers. We are now known as MIDUTY. Our vision for the current era is presented and projected through this new identity.