Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
Supergreens - Miduty
  • Acidity
  • Body Cleanse
  • constipation
  • Detox
  • supergreens


Are you the one prone to seasonal colds and allergies, acidity issues, low immunity, or looking for a complete detoxification solution for the body? I have a solution for you. Have a punch of greens!

Grab your hands on the Miduty Super Greens supplement, which is an effective way to fuel your body, feel energetic all day, and straighten out the above-mentioned health symptoms.

A powerful blend of Moringa leaves, Spirulina, Wheatgrass, alfalfa, green tea leaves, green turmeric, and antioxidants doubles its capacity to enhance immune, brain, and heart health and functioning.

Rs. 1,100.00
Price after getting the subscription*
- +


One of the healthiest superfoods is dark, leafy greens. This category of nutrient-dense vegetables has been given the name "super greens" because they are full of nutrients that have been demonstrated to prevent disease and keep us looking and feeling wonderful (or super green powder).

With powdered greens, you can have your greens ready to drink without having to prepare them every morning, noon, and night. You can use them in cooking, smoothies, or multivitamins that contain green superfoods.

A rich nutrient profile packed with antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals is what defines a "super" green as such. Some of these vegetables are staples in our diets, but one advantage of a greens powder is that it contains them year-round and in an extremely concentrated form.

The fact that super green powders contain a greater variety of greens than are generally found in a balanced diet is another advantage of these products. You can find anything in a high-quality superfood powder or multivitamin, from grasses and sea veggies to common greens like kale and spinach. Increased antioxidant, mineral, and other types of health-promoting diversity result from this variation.

Consuming greens that we don't typically obtain or eat, such as spinach, wheat grass, alfalfa sprouts, and moringa grass, will help with this problem. All of these superfoods have been included in Miduty Supergreens.

The infusion of Wheatgrass, which contains 297 proteins, powers up the product to prevent the disease, manage oxidative stress, and regulate metabolic functioning. [1]

This supplement of Super Greens provides therapeutic benefits against rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, obesity, and hematological diseases.

Dyslipidemia is positively impacted by moringa leaves, which also increase cardiac endurance. [2]

With the blend of a variety of leaves, it produces numerous benefits as it prevents Influenza A or B infections.

In addition to stabilizing mast cells, spirulina also controls the production of immunoglobulin (Ig)A, which is used to treat allergy symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, congestion, and itching. [3]

Regular consumption of alfalfa leaves is a natural way to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels that are too high. [4]

Providing a potent Anti-inflammatory effect that stabilizes mast cells and also regulates immunoglobulin production to treat symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion, itching, etc.

How do I take them?
  • Dosage -

    Mix 1 scoop in 200 ml of water anytime in a day.

  • Please Note-

    Do not consume it in case you have low BP.

  • Quick info-

    This supplement works best to keep you energetic

What’s it for?
- Complete detoxification of the body
- Acidity
- High Blood pressure
- People with Low Immunity
Why is Miduty’s Supergreens is Superior?
    • Alkalizing greens, detoxifying ingredients, immunity herbs, a wealth of natural vitamins and minerals with antioxidant properties, and a fantastic source of phytonutrients are all found in Miduty organic alkalizing super greens, which is a 100% organic, safe-to-consume dietary food supplement.

    • This solution will assist in balancing your body's pH levels and curing these acidity problems. This fantastic summer beverage is delicious and incredibly refreshing. It also functions quite well as a detoxifier, and regular body purification is essential.

    • Unlike the other products available, the addition of green turmeric in Miduty’s Supergreens makes this supplement a potent anti-inflammatory, good for the skin, a good pain reliever, acts like a blood purifier, and even boosts digestion.

    • Our product is packed with 10 immunity herbs to help boost the immune system and get rid of seasonal colds and allergies arising due to a lack of immunity.

How We Helped Our Customers

Nikita Got Comfort From Acidity
No more Hyperacidity issues for Sonia

What’s Inside? (Ingredients)


Do we still need this when we have green vegetables at home?

Yes, the greens included in this supplement are superfoods, however, they are not typically found in a regular meal with high doses. Whether or not you eat green veggies, you should take this supplement.

Why should one use this supplement ?

This solution will assist in balancing your body's pH levels and curing these acidity problems. This fantastic summer beverage is delicious and incredibly refreshing. It is also a very effective detoxifier, and the body has to be regularly detoxified.

Will this product help me since I get colds quite easily, especially when the seasons change?

Yes, this product will undoubtedly help with that. Lack of immunity is the primary cause of seasonal colds and allergies. Use this supplement along with immunity-boosting supplements. Call us at +91-86990-86991 (national) / +91-76529-22771 (International) for a more in-depth consultation.

Are Palak Notes and Miduty same brands?

Yes, the brands Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.

Unknown Facts

  • Helps with detox

    As alkaline-forming meals, greens can help your body eliminate excess acid and restore its natural balance. Nearly every green component you'll discover in a greens powder offers this benefit.

  • Boost Energy Levels

    If you have fatigue, include ingredients like green tea extract that can increase energy and alertness. Additionally, this naturally occurring caffeine may aid in weight loss.

  • Protect against sickness

    Since antioxidants are linked to cellular health improvement, they can enhance your overall wellness. This also relates to maintaining a healthy heart, as these components may help lower the danger of blood clots and stave off cardiovascular disease.

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New Era! Continued Dedication!

Pain that went untreated gave rise to the brand Palak Notes. Pre-COVID, we began to evolve, and over the past three years (and counting), we have dedicated our entire selves to learning about the pain and health issues that society suffers. We had a modest beginning, but today we have a large family. 

So, in order to adapt to these changes over time, we have decided to create a new brand identity that reflects our team and potential customers. We are now known as MIDUTY. Our vision for the current era is presented and projected through this new identity.