IBS/IBD/Leaky Gut Supplement Bundle

How We Helped Our Customers

Nitya’s son fixed his IBS, Acidity and Indigestion.

What is IBS/IBD/leaky gut ?

"The gut is the origin of all diseases."

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that weakens and compromises the gut lining, which normally serves as the intestines' defense mechanism. This condition, also known as "intestinal permeability," develops when the gut wall is weakened or damaged and things like germs and food particles start to leak out into your bloodstream. This condition is known as having a leaky gut.

Even if we want to ignore your digestive or stomach-related issues, we cannot. When food is not properly digested, it feels weird, unpleasant, and uncomfortable. Long-term disregard for such symptoms can have serious consequences for us. 

The bacteria in our gut have more power over us than we might think. They can affect your mood, cognition, weight, digestion, and other things since they have a direct pathway to your brain.

Have you ever wondered if you might have IBS because of your frequent stomach problems?

IBS/IBD is mostly unknown to us. Only the symptom itself is judged—whether it is loose motion or constipation.

Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD
, is used to represent a variety of digestive illnesses, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, which are brought on by bowel inflammation and immunological responses that affect the stomach, intestines, and colon.

Have you been experiencing frequent abdominal pain and a lot of diarrhea? Possibly you suffer from Crohn's disease. There is good news, though. In addition to other lifestyle modifications, a good diet is a natural way to treat this problem.

What exactly is Crohn's disease? The lining of your digestive tract becomes inflamed as a result of this inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, exhaustion, weight loss, and malnutrition.

Tracking symptoms is important because there is no real way to determine whether someone has IBS. The most prominent IBS symptoms and indicators include persistent stomach pain and discomfort as well as changes in bowel patterns (both in frequency and consistency of your stool).

The good news is that you can identify your IBS symptoms and then treat them naturally with dietary supplements and lifestyle changes. So, what are the typical IBS symptoms, and what can you do to treat them? 

Let's look at it.

This Bundle


Promotes good gut bacteria


Helps digest food


Fulfills the body’s deficiencies


Soothes gut lining


Boosts energy levels


Manages constipation and diarrhea

IBS/IBD/leaky gut Bundle contains

Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder
Leaky Gut Rs.1,699.00
Organic Body Builder
Vitamin B12 Rs.799.00
Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder
Probiotics and Prebiotics Fiber Rs.899.00
Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder Organic Body Builder
Digest Fat Rs.849.00

Know More About IBS/IBD/Leaky Gut

What’s the reason?

Poor diet

Poor diet and lifestyle, are the main reasons that lead to indigestion issues and cause further complications.

Chronic stress

Numerous digestive issues, such as constipation, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and stomach discomfort, can be brought on by anxiety or stress.

Toxin overload

Poor lifestyle can lead to toxin overload in the body which can cause indigestion symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or acidity.

Bacterial imbalance

When your gut has an imbalance of harmful and good types of bacteria

What to avoid

Be careful with the food items

Avoid foods like raw vegetables, dairy, spicy foods, and fried foods as the symptoms of IBS and acid reflux may worsen while eating hot and spicy foods.

Caffeine intake

Avoid consuming excessive amounts of caffeine because it might stimulate the digestive system and make cramping or diarrhea worse.

Choose your flour wisely

Avoid refined flour or maida as it can be hard to digest in case of IBS/IBD and sugar as well because sugar lowers immune system function and is a favorite food of bacteria.

Heavy Meals

Do not consume heavy meals as a sensitive gut won’t be able to digest them properly. Instead, prefer taking short meals.

Risk Factors

Rectal bleeding

Blood may occasionally occur on or in your stool if you have IBD. Bright red blood often originates from the large intestine or rectum.

Chronic constipation

Untreated IBS/IBD can lead to chronic constipation which can lead to other issues like bloating, uneasiness, etc.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Gut issues lead to several nutritional deficiencies like vitamins, minerals, and protein deficiencies which can lead to further body complications.

Poor Quality of life

Indigestion issues like leaky gut, and IBS/IBD are the major factors that contribute to poor quality of life as these all issues can generate anxiety & depression which can negatively impact one’s mental health.

Golden Tips
Keep a diet record!

One approach to learn what foods annoy and don't bother your stomach as well as what might relieve your symptoms is to keep a food diary because certain foods tend to cause IBS symptoms more frequently than others, even though each person reacts differently to different foods.

For at least a few weeks, record every meal and snack you consume.

Keep a diary of your symptoms as well. Mention any noticeable symptoms, such as diarrhea, as well as less evident ones, such as headaches, cramping, exhaustion, bloating, and changes in your mood. Make a note of the days you feel better as well. Knowing what you ate on days when you feel well can be just as important as knowing what made you feel bad.

Use this information to prevent triggers. Your diet record can help you determine what kind of diet works best for you. It can assist you in creating a diet that is nutritiously balanced while yet avoiding your triggers.

Steamed vegetables- Cooked or steamed vegetables are easy to digest and an important part of persons having IBS.

Healthy fats – Consuming healthy fats in moderation like butter, desi ghee, and coconut oil are easy to digest for the gut and promote healing of the intestine.

You can consume soaked chia seeds and flax seeds as they can relieve constipation.

Drinking aloe vera juice eases constipation and soothes the gut lining.

Uptake your intake of vitamin D, as it may help to reduce intestinal inflammation for persons with IBS/IBD.

Eat smaller meals- The digestive system is less stressed when you consume smaller meals, which helps lessen some symptoms including bloating, gas, and cramps.

Take a multivitamin - It's generally a good idea to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement because these digestive issues might make it difficult for you to absorb nutrients.

Identifying your Gut issue type can aid in managing it -

Ulcerative Colitis

An inflammatory bowel condition called ulcerative colitis results in persistent inflammation and sores or ulcers in the digestive tract. The innermost lining of the large intestine and the rectum are both impacted by ulcerative colitis.


The term "small intestinal bacterial overgrowth," or SIBO, refers to an excess of bacteria in the small intestine or small bowel. The small intestine has relatively low amounts of bacteria in a healthy system; the colon is thought to have the highest concentrations of bacteria, despite the fact that bacteria normally reside throughout the whole digestive tract.

Complete IBS/IBD/Leaky Gut Cure

Most people typically experience relief from their symptoms after using the bathroom normally for several days in a row.


Managing your diet is an important aspect to manage gut disorders and their associated symptoms.

Dietary supplements

Dietary supplements help to cover all the deficiencies that occur due to indigestion of food and leaky gut disorder. Start immediately with Leaky Gut, Vitamin B12, Probiotics & Prebiotic fiber, and Digest fat.

Stress Management

Due to how stress increases inflammation and alters hormone levels, it has been linked that higher amounts of stress might cause digestion problems.Meditation, exercises, massage, spending time in nature, and engaging with the hobbies you enjoy, can help as natural stress relievers.


Will it help to reverse my gut issues completely?

With the help of dietary supplementation and lifestyle modifications, you can overcome all the symptoms and maintain a healthy gut.

How long should I take your leaky gut treatment?

You need to take it at least for 3 months to get better results or until the symptoms fade away.

Can I take this along with my ongoing medicines?

Yes, you can as these are food-based supplements and there is no such interaction. Also, excess use of drugs and medicines can show side effects in the longer run.