Painful Piles? Top 9 Home Remedies for Instant Relief

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Painful Piles? Top 9 Home Remedies for Instant Relief

Hello there, my friend!  Today, I'm going to talk about something that may sound unusual, but it's actually something that many people experience but are hesitant to discuss: piles! 

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, are a disorder in which the blood vessels in the rectum (the area of the body where waste products come out!) swell and become irritated. It can be a bit uncomfortable and even painful. 

Have you ever experienced difficulty using the bathroom? Perhaps you need to poop but it won't come out or it hurts when you do? That is one of the symptoms! Other indicators of piles include itchiness or burning around your bottom and seeing blood when you wash after using the toilet. 

But don't worry, I’ve got your back! There are numerous methods for keeping your buttocks feeling great while avoiding the pain and discomfort of piles. In this blog, I will discuss 5 effective home remedies for treating discomfort from piles. So let's get started and learn more about piles!  

What are the Symptoms of Piles? 

Having certain symptoms is one of the first indications that you may have piles. These symptoms may affect your daily life and be uncomfortable or even painful. 

Pile symptoms involve itchiness, pain, and irritation in the anal region. You may also feel bowel movement bleeding, swelling near the anus, and a bump around the anus. 

What causes Piles? 

While piles can be caused by a variety of factors, the underlying cause is often related to excessive strain on the rectal and anal area. 

Constipation, pregnancy, and obesity are all conditions that might contribute to piles. They can also be caused by a lack of fibre in one's diet, prolonged sitting, and pushing during bowel motions. 

9 Effective Home Remedies for Treating Piles

     1. Drink Plenty of Water


One of the simplest and most effective  home remedies for piles is to drink plenty of water. Constipation and pushing during bowel motions can cause or worsen piles, commonly known as haemorrhoids.  

Drinking plenty of water keeps the stool soft and reduces constipation, allowing you to pass stools without struggling.  When stools move quickly and without straining, pressure is relieved on the veins in the rectal area, lowering the risk of advancing or worsening piles. 

Aside from preventing constipation, drinking sufficient amounts of water aids in the removal of toxins from the body and the correct functioning of the digestive system.

     2. Reducing Stress


Stress can lead to the development or aggravation of piles, thus reducing stress can be an effective home remedy for piles. Stress can trigger hormonal shifts in the body that impact digestion and bowel motions, resulting in constipation and intestinal straining. Straining can put strain on the veins in the lower abdomen, causing them to swell and become uncomfortable. 

Furthermore, stress might damage the immune system, making it harder for the body to combat infections and irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. This can make healing from piles more difficult or prevent them from growing in the first place. Read in-depth blog about how to reduce stress using meditation and yoga techniques. 

     3. Practice Good Toilet Habits


Don't push too much. In addition to being uncomfortable, pushing during a bowel movement can worsen haemorrhoid issues. 

Don't wait too long to use the bathroom.  Pay focus on what your body is telling you and act quickly if you feel the need to use the bathroom.  

Otherwise, the stool will get harder, which will make you push harder. Take your time and let your body relax when using the toilet. 

Additionally, avoid sitting in the toilet for a long time. It can also worsen the symptoms of piles. 

     4. Eat Fermented Foods 


Now, you might be thinking how fermented foods may help in the treatment of piles. Well, probiotics are a thing found in fermented meals. These are live bacteria which are beneficial for your digestive system. These beneficial bacteria enter your intestines when you eat fermented foods. 

A variety of factors make having a healthy gut crucial, but when it comes to piles, it can help in digestion and promote regular bowel movements. You are less likely to experience constipation or need to strain while bowel motions when your digestive tract is in good shape. 

You can consume foods such as idli, dosa, kefir, yogurt to get probiotics through the diet. Additionally, you can also opt for a pre-probiotic supplement to keep your gut bacteria colony healthy. 

     5. Psyllium Husk


Psyllium husk is a form of fibre derived from the Plantago ovata plant's seeds. When psyllium husk is combined with water, it forms a gel-like material that can help keep your stool easier and more comfortable to pass. 

You may be wondering how psyllium husk can help with piles. Constipation, which occurs when your stools are solid and difficult to pass, is one of the most common causes of piles. When you consume fiber-rich foods, such as psyllium husk, your faeces soften and become easier to pass. 

Research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reveals that people who consumed psyllium husk had significantly increased stool frequency and reduced constipation symptoms compared to those who did not consume psyllium husk.

     6. Consuming Magnesium-Rich Foods


A lack of fibre in one's diet is one of the numerous variables that can lead to the formation of piles. 

This is where magnesium-rich foods come into play! Magnesium is a mineral that aids in the regulation of function of muscles and nerves, as well as the health and regularity of our bowels.  

Magnesium-rich foods include leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale, nuts and seeds such as almonds and pumpkin seeds, and whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa. 

When we eat magnesium-rich meals, it can help soften the stool and make it easier to pass, reducing the pressure and strain on the veins in the rectum and anus.  

However, it may not be possible to get enough magnesium through diet, that’s where Magnesium Relax comes to save you. Say bye to the pain related to piles and hello to relief with the power of Magnesium Relax. It contains high absorption magnesium along with Vitamin B6 that can help you find relief in piles by treating constipation. 

     7. Incorporating Healthy Fats in Your Diet


Constipation, which is often the root of piles, can be avoided by having healthy fats in your diet. Healthy fats are beneficial to your body since they help in the smooth operation of your digestive system.  

They also soften your stools, making it easier for them to travel throughout your body without too much strain. Straining during bathroom trips can put strain on blood veins in the rectal area, increasing piles of symptoms. 

Avocados, nuts, seeds like chia seeds, and certain oils like olive oil provide healthy fats.

     8. Epsom Salt Bath


Epsom salt is a salt that contains the mineral magnesium sulphate. It looks like regular salt, yet it is distinct due to the presence of certain unique minerals. People frequently use Epsom salt in baths or as a soak for a variety of reasons, including piles. 

It can be very uncomfortable to have piles. In the rectal area, you might encounter pain, itching, and swelling. Epsom salt can bring relief in a variety of ways. 

For starters, Epsom salt has a calming impact on the skin. When Epsom salt is dissolved in warm water and used as a bath or soak, it can help alleviate the pain and irritation associated with piles. It's like providing your rectal area a well-deserved rest. 

Second, Epsom salt contains anti-inflammatory properties. When you dip in an Epsom salt bath or use it as a soak, the magnesium sulphate in the salt can help reduce inflammation, providing relief from piles-related discomfort. 

     9. Consuming Foods High in Fiber and Water Content


Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are high in fibre and can help prevent and treat constipation, which is a typical cause of piles.  

Fibre increases the volume of your stools and allows them retain more water. This softens the stool and makes them easier to move through your digestive tract. Soft stools eliminate the need for straining, which can help relieve stress on the blood vessels in the rectal region and improve piles symptoms. 

Furthermore, foods with a high water content, such as fruits and vegetables, can be useful for piles. These foods hydrate your body, which aids in the softening of stools and the prevention of constipation. 

Final Words

  • Finally, despite the fact that piles can be a painful and unsettling illness, there are numerous efficient at-home treatments that can help with symptom relief. 
  • Constipation can be avoided and the strain placed on the rectal area when passing stool can be lessened by consuming a high-fiber diet and drinking lots of fluids. 
  • Additionally, psyllium husk  can help control bowel movements and soften stools, and fermented foods can enhance gut health and lower inflammation.
  • Because stress can cause inflammation and digestive problems, reducing stress can be quite helpful in preventing piles. 
  • Stress levels can be decreased by engaging in relaxation practises like yoga or meditation, engaging in regular exercise, and asking for support from friends and family.

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