How To Kill Black Molds Using Natural Methods

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How to Kill Black Molds Using Natural Methods

In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about molds and particularly about toxic black molds, the symptoms black molds may cause and remedies for getting rid of mold on walls.

Let's first understand what a Mold is.

What is a Mold?

Mold is a type of fungus and in nature, it helps to decompose dead natural materials. But as many of you may have seen it can often enter houses or any other indoor space. In addition to damaging or making parts of your home look bad, it can often cause health problems.

There are many different kinds of mold, and not all of them release toxins that cause severe reactions but even the less dangerous molds cause symptoms in some people, especially in children, such as wheezing, coughing and asthma. One such mold is Black Mold which is one of the most toxic molds found indoors. All the symptoms caused by these molds can worsen as it continues to grow and becomes worse.

People who have poor immune systems such as those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation are at especially high risk for these types of symptoms because the spores can settle and grow in their lungs as their bodies aren't as good at removing toxins and foreign objects as those of healthy people.

One of the most common types of toxic mold in buildings is black mold also known as Stachybotrys chartarum. This mold releases toxins called mycotoxins which cause many severe symptoms. It is a black mold tinged with green and is usually slimy unless it's dry in which case it can look powdery. The symptoms caused by this type of mold are much more severe and can become life-threatening.

How Does Black Mold Affect You?

Symptoms caused by black molds are not always isolated. Unfortunately, often there will be a collection of symptoms, some even resembling everyday issues like hay fever that you might think is due to age or seasonal changes. They can worsen and interfere with your daily life if you are exposed to them for a long-term.

Sometimes medical professionals miss the fact that the symptoms patients experience come from black molds in their homes or offices. This is because they often can't see the cause of the symptoms. Due to this reason, it becomes important to check for any black molds in your house and perform some practices for removing mold from walls.

Health Issues caused by Black Molds:

  • Flu-like symptoms like sinus problems, coughs, aches, and sweating
  • Fatigue and Brain Fog
  • Rashes
  • Joint pain
  • Tingling
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and heartburn
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Drop in IQ, especially in children
  • Feeling disoriented and confused
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Hypertension and shortness of breath
  • Muscle weakness, in some cases to the point where some people can't even walk
  • Weight gain

In severe cases, if you don't do anything for black mold clean up, it can even give you cravings for sugar and may completely destroy your immune system. It is important to be able to recognize any symptoms you may be experiencing and whether they could be from black molds present in your house.

It's important to do black mold removal and take steps further to prevent it from growing whether you are experiencing symptoms or not.

Read on to find out how. You can read here about how to ease heartburn symptoms naturally.

Try Miduty Apple Cider Vinegar

Places Where Black Molds Grow

Kill Black Molds Naturally

Mold spores are present in the air and this is often how it enters your home or office. All they need to thrive is moisture and oxygen and can be very resilient. This makes your kitchen, bathroom and anywhere else where there is a leak or damp the ideal place for mold to grow.

Certain types of mold can be found on food when it goes off. But sometimes due to improper storage or farming methods and environmental conditions, it can even grow on foods like grains and nuts before they even reach you. Be sure to buy reputable brands only and never eat moldy food.

In some cases, you may not be able to see the black mold in your houses, such as when it's inside the walls or under the floor. This is common in homes that are not built with bricks. Unfortunately, the spores still end up in the air where they can settle on your belongings such as your clothing and furniture.

Here are some of the Other Common Areas Where Black Molds Occur:

  • Windows, especially during the colder months when they mist up and there is condensation
  • Kitchen and bathroom sinks
  • Along with the bath or in the shower
  • Basements
  • In the roof and on the ceiling
  • Carpets and floorboards
  • On the walls, especially in the bathroom
  • Outside on wood and around or inside drains

Often a musty smell accompanies the black mold. If it is in a place where there is poor airflow, like a bathroom where the windows are closed (which is often part of the problem) or there are no windows, you will smell it more.

This is especially true if it affects fabrics like carpets and furniture as they will definitely start to smell. So don't forget to check for any black molds if you experience any such smell.

Natural Methods of Black Molds Removal

Removing mold from walls naturally is the best way. Some chemicals that are often used in household cleaners such as bleach can react badly with the mold and even those that are specifically manufactured to get rid of black mold and can be toxic or irritating to the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin. These natural cleaners listed below are effective to kill mold on walls and are far safer.

Black molds can be stubborn so you may need to scrub or rub hard to get rid of it. When you are done wiping or scrubbing the mold away with a brush, cloth or sponge, you need to thoroughly clean it immediately using boiling hot water for getting rid of mold on walls so as to prevent it from coming back. Dead mold spores can still cause health problems, so be mindful while doing black mold clean up.

How to Kill Black Mold on Walls?

If you suspect that you have toxic black molds growing in your home or office, it is best to call a professional to test it. They will do this by taking a sample of it back to the lab to run the tests. If it is, in fact, toxic black mold, it is best to get professional help for black mold removal as it can release dangerous spores when disturbed. Make sure that the company you choose for getting rid of mold is certified and reputable.

Your DIY Guide to Killing Black Molds Naturally

1. Baking Soda

Kill Black Molds Naturally

This is one of the safest ways to remove black mold. It doesn't have any negative effects on adults, children or animals and it doesn't smell bad. In fact, it's a well-known black mold remedy to get rid of bad odors. It is also inexpensive.

How to use Baking Soda for Black Mold Removal?

Dissolve some baking soda in water, you can either use a spray bottle and spray it onto the affected area or you can also dip a cloth into it and wipe it on. You can use a rag, a sponge or a brush to then wipe or scrub away the black mold. It can also be used to finish off the other methods to kill mold on walls just for double safety.

2. Vinegar

Kill Black Molds Naturally

Vinegar can be used undiluted to clean up black mold and kill the spores. Though the smell is strong, it will go away when it dries. Vinegar isn't irritating to small children so it's ideal and a very affordable solution. You can spray it directly onto the area affected by black molds or apply it using a rag. You can then rub or scrub it away.

It can also be used to finish up after you've used one of the other methods. To prevent black molds from coming back, you can spray or wipe down your shower or any other areas prone to mold with vinegar every few weeks.

3. H2o2 or Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment

This is a great and inexpensive way for getting rid of mold. It works well on hard surfaces and kills germs as well. Mix a teaspoon with a cup of water. You can use the same ratio to make more if you need to. Spray it on or dip your cloth into it and wipe it onto the area so that it's completely covered and wet. Wait 10 minutes to make sure all the black mold is dead.

You can then wipe it down with a rag soaked in vinegar to get rid of any hydrogen peroxide. It is not toxic but it can make small children and animals ill.

4. Tea Tree Oil

This is one of the most effective ways to remove black molds, but it is comparatively expensive. Mix 1 teaspoon (about 10 drops) of Tea Tree Oil with a cup of water. You can use it in these measurements to make more if you need to. Using a spray bottle works well because it also mixes well when you put it in a bottle and shake. You can also store the mixture easily since it takes a long time for tea tree oil to lose its effectiveness. But if you can't use a spray bottle, a cloth dipped into the mixture and wiped on works just as well.

Spray or wipe it onto the surface affected with black molds and leave it overnight. You can then wipe it off with a cloth dipped in vinegar. Tea tree oil can be toxic to small children and animals in large quantities, so be sure to store it in a safe place.


  • Black Mold is a common occurrence in buildings.
  • Black molds are generally found in damp areas with poor airflow and also in poorly constructed areas.
  • It can cause symptoms like confusion, anxiety, joint pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • You can do black mold removal naturally using baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil.
  • Always thoroughly wash the items used to kill mold on walls or dispose of them to keep dead spores from staying behind.
  • Wipe down surfaces in the bathroom with vinegar every few weeks as a black mold remedy.

Open the windows to improve airflow and repair any leaks or structural damage to your home to prevent black molds from growing back.

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