Miduty’s Fit & Lean Protein Shake is packed with 100% whey protein and MCTs, which help control food cravings while fueling your body. Protein shakes are not just for fitness enthusiasts. Ever felt unusually tired, constantly hungry, or completely exhausted? These signs might mean your body needs more protein!
Adding protein shakes along with other dietary sources of protein helps in building muscles. Apart from that, consuming the best protein powder is crucial for strong nails, healthy hair, a faster metabolism, and even shedding those extra pounds.
Whether you are hitting the gym or just aiming to feel more energetic throughout the day, a quality protein powder like this can make a real difference.
Start your supplements in this situation by working on your gut first, and then you can start with a Protein shake. You can contact us at +91-86990-86991 (Domestic) / +91-76529-22771 (International) for a free and in-depth consultation with our health experts.
Start taking Liver Detox to cleanse your liver, and then add protein shakes once your liver starts operating properly.
The diet does not meet the daily requirement for protein, and even when we consume a high protein diet, we are still unable to obtain the recommended amounts of the 9 necessary amino acids from food. As your body needs it daily, you can take 1 scoop of this protein powder to fulfill the requirement.
Yes, occasionally a lack of protein in the diet, along with other causes, can lead to hair loss. Miduty’s Fit & Lean Protein is designed not only as a best protein shake for weight loss but also to support hair health. Its high-quality whey protein helps in muscle maintenance and growth while promoting strong nails and healthy hair due to its rich nutrient profile.
Take betaine HCL with your protein powder if you have acidity problems because it indicates you don't have enough acid to break down protein. You should take betaine HCL in between meals if you have problems like farting after eating protein.
Yes, the brand's Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.