
What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a compound from the group of polyphenols named stilbenoids. We find this natural polyphenolic compound in more than 70 species of plants. Primarily, this compound is found in the seeds and skin of grapes, and also found in discrete quantities in different types of red wines and other food products such as pistachios, peanuts [1], cranberry, dark chocolate, etc. [2] 

Resveratrol benefits include its excellent antioxidant properties, moreover, it's a phytoalexin that has anti-pathogenic activities and protects against fungi or bacteria. 

Several studies suggest that resveratrol has anti-tumor properties as well which works against all the stages of carcinogenesis. Not only this, this powerful compound also shows anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, vasorelaxant, and neuroprotective properties.

Why Choose Miduty’s Resveratrol?

Miduty’s Stop Aging Supplement has Trans Resveratrol in its liposomal form, which addresses the issue of low bioavailability, ensuring that more of this powerful antioxidant is effectively absorbed and utilized by your body

Miduty’s Stop Aging contains a potent 600 mg of Trans Resveratrol per serving (2 capsules). It has 30 servings per container to be consumed regularly for one month if you take 2 capsules per day as recommended by Miduty’s health experts. Our formulation features the resveratrol dosage which can be easily consumed by anyone without giving you any side effects. 

Many of our customers have shared their positive feedback after using Miduty’s Stop Aging with Liposomal form of Trans Resveratrol. Some such benefits they experienced are:

  • Brighter and Better Skin
  • Better Energy Levels 
  • Reduced Pigmentation 
  • UTI Relief 
  • Reduced Uric Acid Levels

So make this anti-aging solution a part of your routine and see the difference yourself!

Miduty Products With Resveratrol

Resveratrol Uses and Benefits

Uses and Benefits


Anti-Cancer Properties

Resveratrol has antitumor properties, which makes it efficient to inhibit carcinogenesis at every stage, be it initiation, promotion, or progression. In vivo and in vitro studies on the efficiency of resveratrol for cancer suggested that it can help with both prevention and development of cancerous cells.

Resveratrol is able to prevent cancer by acting on oxidative stress, proliferation of cancer cells, inflammation, and it is also known to activate the cell-death mechanism, thus, helping with different types of cancer. [3][2]

Antibacterial Properties

Resveratrol also shows antimicrobial properties, effectively inhibiting the growth of bacterial and fungal pathogens, reducing biofilm formation, and enhancing the efficacy of conventional antibiotics. [4]

However, its low bioavailability limits its effectiveness in the human body when taken orally. Research is ongoing to determine if metabolized resveratrol retains its antimicrobial activity, which could potentially increase its effectiveness.

Miduty has the most bioavailable form of resveratrol in the supplement “Stop Aging”, which is Liposomal Trans Resveratrol. It gets easily absorbed by our body and shows great results.

Blood Pressure Regulation

Because of its excellent antioxidant properties, it has promising results, when consumed regularly, with lowering blood pressure. Studies suggest that the high doses of resveratrol helps in lowering Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP). [5]

Systolic Blood Pressure is the force our heart exerts on the arteries wall with every beat. This is the upper limit of the blood pressure reading and it generally increases as we age. Resveratrol shows a lowering effect on this by increasing the nitric oxide production, relaxing the blood vessels. [6]

Brain Protection

As per studies, consuming red wine can give you a decline in age-related cognitive degeneration. [7]

Resveratrol has been shown to protect against neurodegenerative diseases that may come with age like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and stroke [2]. It helps by suppressing oxidative pathways and reducing inflammation. It may help slow cognitive decline and protect brain cells from damage, partly by interfering with beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease. [8]

Blood Sugar Level Management

The intake of resveratrol helps with taking the blood glucose down while fasting and also has a positive effect on insulin resistance in people with Type 2 Diabetes. It helps by acting up on:

- Oxidative stress

- Inflammation

- Activates AMPK (A protein used for metabolizing glucose) [9]

Moreover, resveratrol may benefit people even more who don't have diabetes, thus, helping prevent it. [10]

Joint Pain Relief

Arthritis and other issues related to joint mobility and pain are quite common. Resveratrol has been researched to show its benefits in enhancing joint health and preventing the cartilage to deteriorate. [11]

Along with it, the anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol makes it reduce inflammation and protects the joints from arthritis and other issues.

Resveratrol Dosage

However, the adequate per day resveratrol dosage is not yet clear and is still under research. The safe and efficient dose of Resveratrol is 1 mg or more per day. But resveratrol has very low toxicity and is well-tolerated even if you consume it up to 5 grams per day

It is suggested to consult a health expert to know the optimal dosage that you need.

When to Take Resveratrol?

Time of the Day: As per studies, it is beneficial for young people to take Resveratrol supplement at night, while older people should consume it in the middle of the day to see maximum benefits. 

With Food: It is advised to take resveratrol supplement after meal as it increases the concentration of it in the blood.

Resveratrol Side Effects & Additional Tips

Side Effects: However, resveratrol is well-tolerated by the body even when you consume 5 grams of it in a day. But in certain cases, one may have abdominal discomfort including diarrhea, flatulence, or cramping. These side effects may occur due to high dosage. However, no major side effects of resveratrol have been seen so far. 

Precautions: Make sure you are not allergic to red wine or grapes. In case you are, then it may cause some reaction. 

Interactions: Resveratrol may cause issues if you have any bleeding disorders. Or if you are on certain medications like blood thinners, cancer treatment, antidepressants, blood pressure drugs, etc., consider consulting a health practitioner before starting taking it.

Final Thoughts - Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a remarkable compound with a wide range of health benefits. From its powerful antioxidant properties to its ability to support heart health, cognitive function, and immune response, resveratrol stands out as a vital ingredient in promoting overall wellness. 

Miduty’s Stop Aging supplement harnesses the full potential of resveratrol, providing you with a bioavailable, highly absorbable form that ensures optimal effectiveness.